
I want to tell you a story that I heard
Believe me when I say there's truth in every word
There was this young couple who lived in a cozy house
No children, just the husband and his spouse
They always thought they'd grow old together
But nothing lasts forever
They never thought about the day
That one of them would forever go away
Every month they would take care of their bills
But neither one thought about making out a will
Being young it never crossed their mind
That one would die and leave the other one behind
They would often go out to drink and dance
They always had a d d so they wouldn't have to take a chance
Then came the day that they went out
Laughing and joking and having a good time, no doubt
When the night finally came to an end
They waved and bid farewell to their friends
They never had a clue about the fate they were about to meet
Up ahead on the same street
There was a car coming at a high rate of speed
He was drinking and smoking weed
The combination of the weed and drinking
Impaired his reflexes and thinking
When the young couple's car topped the hill they met their fate
By the time they saw the car it was too late
She had a head injury from hitting the dash
She doesn't remember anything about the deadly crash
The nurse told her that she was seriously injured but she would survive
The nurse also told her that her husband was no longer alive
Once she got back home things weren't like they were before
She didn't want to go on she had no one to live for
She slowly began to learn to deal with the pain
And once again she tried to live again
As hard as the young lady tried she couldn't make ends meet
The bank foreclosed on the house and put her belongings on the street
She soon found her problems weren't over by far
You see the dealership took back her car
The young lady didn't have anyone she could turn to
She had no idea what she was going to do
She found herself living in the street
The young lady hardly spoke to anyone that she would meet
Along the way she lost her few belongings that she kept in a bag
The clothes that she wore were turning to rags
About four months of living in the world
While resting in the park one day she saw a little girl
The little girl wasn't playing, smiling or singing a silly little song
She walked up to the little girl to see what was wrong
She told the young lady that her sister left her there alone
While she went to talk to her boyfriend on the phone
They walked around but couldn't find the sister anywhere
She didn't want to leave the little girl there
She asked the little girl to take her to her mom and dad
She said she couldn't leave that her sister would be mad
The young lady said that it would soon be dark
But the little girl didn't want to leave the park
She finally got the little girl to show
Her which way they needed to go
The parents invited her in, she soon found it easy to explain
How she ended up in the predicament that she was in
They told her they had a room where she could stay
And asked her to be there when they return the next day
The next day when they got home they had a talk with her
“You've been through a lot that's for sure
We would like for you to stay with us
We don't want to hear any fuss
We don't want you living on the streets
We can help you get back on your feet
We talked about it and we want to help you
There are some things we want you to do
We know where you can find work
As a salesclerk
Save all the money that you make
You can stay with us as long as it takes
When you feel it's time to move on
You can pay us back by helping someone
Pay it forward to that person in need
That will be your good deed”
Before they were done talking she had tears in her eyes
The way she felt she couldn't disguise
She couldn't believe the way things were going for her
But she would pay it forward, that's for sure.

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b4i8islept's picture


An excellent story that I enjoyed reading.

doingwhatilike's picture

I am glad that you enjoyed

I am glad that you enjoyed reading it. Getting ready to post a few more poems.