missing you!

I'm laying here thinking of you my dear.

wishing you right beside me so near.

my heart longs for the day we see each other again.

I can't wait for our new life to begin.

till the end of time and forever Moore.

I can't wait to see what God has in store.

the love I share for will grow for a lifetime.

and no matter what I'll always give you time.

time to heal from all your past

 time to create all you have.

time to give our new life all you must.

baby I'm ready to give you my life,my whole heart.

but wait you already had that from the start.

give me all you got 

until death do us part.

I'll always be right by your side.

I just want you to know my heart inside and out.

and keep me the love without any doubts.

for my life is in your hands to guide me for all you know.

for my hubby tubby please never let me go.

I love you forever and always..



Author's Notes/Comments: 

not done 

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