
How could you?! How could you be so selfish? It wasn't just about you! Were you really that week, that stupid?! You didn't just hurt yourself. You hurt us all! Mom, who will never be able to see her son go off to collage and be the doctor they always dreamed about. You hurt dad who you took away his only son, you. He’ll never get to teach you the things his dad passed down to him. You hurt Katie our little sister is only 12. She doesn't deserve this, to feel this kind of hurt. She’s only a child! You hurt me I’m the oldest now and i need my need my big brother! How could you break the heart of ever one in our whole damn family?! That night you killed a little peace of us all. Today when we laid you in the ground, I wasn't sad anymore. I didn't cry. I didn't morn. I said a prayer of anger and wished you to hell. I don't take it back and I don't regret it. Till the day I die I will never forgive you. I cannot forgive you when you let something this horrible hit so close to home! I don't want to remember the good times and I don't want to remember you. You can't hurt this family ever again. I'm the oldest now and I don't need you, we don't need you! Never did.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my fist thing i wrote... i was a lil upset if u hadn't noticed

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:-( sad