Break your fall
you may not, will not believe
or will you really?
Take it all
you cannot, will not defy?
or overcome gravity?
you're stupid, wingless, blind mice
who think you can see!
or maybe take flight
you say you'll find a way
or kill youself, and cut off the pain
well die, you fool, you drowning fish
its so sad you do not utilize
your own element
too weak, too weak, I'm too weak to
i am not heaven sent
i am not alive
i am not easily bent
i am not meant to pretend
only to die
you say you'll be the one
and if your not then your life is done
well die, you fool, you flightless bird
you mole who does not utilize the earth
you drowning fish!
its so pathetic that you do not recognize
you own element!
die, you loveless human
die you drowning fish
Because you are too weak to defy
That is the funniest thing I've ever read and I love it, love it, LOVE IT!