Her words loved me once.
Muted sorrow flows at the grace of them,
but grace I no longer see between our
souls and our hands unglued.
I am strong now on my own.
I have made too many mistakes in my life,
but only one has damned me to eternity
in strife, the one I couldn't take back.
Immortalizing love was my failure.
Life goes on and I feel imprisoned
in a time,
in a body I no longer have,
in a love I have conditioned to sustain me.
Its only when a current wound pains me,
that I turn to his sweetness and let it
burn me up.
I remember when the end brought the true fire,
I wrote such sweet truths about releasing bitterness
and waiting for the right moment in someone else.
What happened to my beauty which was that real?
Days go by and I'm not doing too good,
but I'm reading more and I see the need
for revising. I was never one for second drafts
and its been three years but I'm ready.
I am me, and I rememeber how centered and at peace
I came to this world to be.
I love you all so much my heart could fly; not break-
goodbye, to wake
feels sweeter than yesterdays sleep in your arms.
Love me the way I love you.
And don't look back on me with scorn,
love me, god, just love me, for what we went through.
There are no other words.
You have a gift.
Yours In Poetry,