My grandmother's sunglasses

My grandmother has always brought her sunglasses with her. She has them in her purse, or she uses them in her head like a headband, either she has them hanging in her blouse, or she is using them in her face to cover from the sun. Every time my grandmother goes out she has to have them. I have traveled with her lots of times. In every vacation trip, I can clearly picture her standing by her red luggage, with a big black bag in her shoulder, and with her big sunglasses. She has many of them. If you look in her closet you will see clearly about 10 pairs of sunglasses. Each pair has a different style. Each pair has a different color. Each pair used for a different occasion. She has the big, round, and blue sunglasses for the 4th of July. The designer sunglasses are for the most formal appointments. She has one old fashion, leopard like pair of sunglasses that she uses for traveling. There is also the black and white dots pair of sunglasses for going to the pool. And the classic brown sunglasses for a typical day at work. She has just one Hello Kitty pair of sunglasses that she does not use, she got those in a party. My grandmother works as a nanny. Sometimes she uses her sunglasses to entertain the small children. It really works thanks to the multiple variations of sunglasses she has. One day we were going to a lake far away my grandmother’s house. We were going to have a picnic. There we were, packing the sandwiches and chips to eat, caring a ball to play soccer, and a music player. We were on our way to the lake when suddenly my grandmother makes us stop the car. She had forgotten her sunglasses in the house. She did not asked us to return, because we were about to arrive. But when she saw a Wal-Mart in the road, she asked us if we could stop by to buy a pair of sunglasses for her. We all laugh and made a short stop in Wal-Mart. She chose one gray with squared shape sunglasses. My grandmother is not a compulsive sunglasses shopper. She just feels more comfortable using them. I like that my grandmother has, and uses, many different sunglasses. It is a personal and original accessory that makes up her personality.

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Does she want to be hidden behind them?
Does the sunlight bother her?
Please keep writing... you have a gift for storytelling