where faith lay down and die

My life was filled with shady mist

And harsh obscenity

I needed to know why I exist

I had a burning curiosity

So I put my trust in god

Maybe the answers would lie there

Get my hopes out of the fog

So I prayed a hopeful prayer

I went out to face the day

To see if my life would change

I tried to trust in every way

That my pain would come in range

But false hopes won’t set your free

My life is a continued lie

So now I can look back and see

Where faith lay down and die.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

winey, boo hoo.  I got over it.

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word_man's picture

well i read your poem,don`t know what to say
ive experienced the same things for years
who do we blame god,or our selves
i think somewhere theres a key we must find
not a literal key i see shit heads rich and good people
down and out god is no respector of people so what is it
we can`t find it must be inside of us somewhere but why does evil people seem to prosper maybe we re incarnate and must go through all phases oh well i am a struggleing
christian and i go through it daily and i mean daily

ron parrish