There is no more You and I
There's nothing more to give
We both have gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live
The memories will sometimes surface
The past cannot be changed
I've been blessed with a new found love
And I'm happy once again
Sometimes on those busy days
When you've a thousand things to do
Don't be surprised If I glide through your mind
And spend some time with you
But in that awkward moment
If you're surprised to find me there
Remember with this distance
I'll still be there as a friend
And I will always care
Have A Good Life......
A most interesting perspective . . .
on the "negative" afterglow of breaking up . . . I wish this poem had existed thirty-seven years ago, when I was in dire need of it.
Interesting Perspective
Thank you for your comment. I've come to realize that we can let go of relationships with care, love and kindness because we are all part of the plan. Knowing there is a power greater than myself (God) allows me to think and feel on this level, however I too did not know this 37 years ago or I would have probably written it then.
I had not considered the idea as a theological aspect, which you have obviously done generally. I am a liberal Baptist, so I would interpret it within the context of our theology, but I think it is still absolutely workable, and good common sense as well. Thanks for expounding on the meaning of the poem for me.