afraid to die

I cannot remember a single day when I wasn’t afraid to die.

I fear a hard time really living has been caused thereby.

Clouded mind and senses dulled by fear of ceasing living,

Keeps many tortured men like me from really giving.

From those who love us most, we run like a frightened child

They look at us with cold distain never knowing our pain inside.

We want to love and laugh and live with abandon and unguarded

But we can’t manage to express, so from true love we are parted.

Keep these words in memory so next time we are harsh,

You will know it’s likely fear that’s driving us apart.

I want to hold and tell you all that you have meant to me

But that would be an unbearable sin, admitting my humanity.

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Iris Negrete's picture

i know how it feels John...i'm sorry you feel the same way; i never would have chosen this path if i had known the consequences. great expressed what is in my heart very you have AIM or AOL?

onelilartist's picture

This is the first time I have ever understood the way a man I once knew acted. Pushing people away, brusque, loudly making people stand apart. He had a bad heart and had already had a massive heart attack. Maybe he was afraid to die. Thanks for posting this.

Kiera Contreni's picture

I like this poem very much I like how you expressed yourself it is true we are afraid to die sometimes though but fear can lead to death because death knows that you are afraid and will kill you in a instant.