Carl Jung was the founder of analytical psychology

He’s also the man who coined the term synchronicity.


You’re thinking about a person and they phone, or they appear.

You’re humming a song then turn on the radio and it’s the next song that you hear.


Synchronicity is the wonderful word Mr. Jung elucidated

To explain coincidences we experience in life that somehow seem related.


Deborah and I were searching for a friend’s new house it was after the break of dawn

When a detour forced us down the very street the house we were looking for was on.


I’ve always liked the way the word synchronicity flows; there’s a beauty in its inflection

And as far as those coincidence go...sweet perplexity in their connection.


Years ago in an empty parking lot I was provided the biggest thrill

When on the ground before me lay a hundred dollar bill.


My van broke down on my way home that day, a fact I still lament

But the bill for that repair was ninety-seven dollars and ninety cents.


We don’t know how it happens, it seems improbable that it can

Is it possible the universe is watching us...that we’re part of some huge plan?


Deborah’s sister died suddenly--after her funeral we went to our cabin in NC.

While there our sadness was interrupted by some synchronicity.


That evening a luna moth perched herself upon our door

In all our years together we never saw one there before.


Synchronicity shows us our lives are not as predictable as they seem

It encourages us to believe in miracles, to wonder, hope, and dream.


It shows us as we live each day, as we dance our daily dance

That there are portions of our life left to the mystery of chance.


The mystery of chance...I think even Mr. Jung would enthusiastically agree 


What a great way to explain his concept of synchronicity.

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and_hera_met_zeus's picture

beautiful!!! and as it

beautiful!!! and as it happens i'm in the middle of reading jung's book, synchronicity, right now :) cheers!