I grew up in the Catholic faith…

We were taught for piety, kindness, compassion and love to search

but for reasons that remain my own..I lost my faith in the Catholic Church.


I still pray to a God however…

usually when I walk in nature…among the animals and the trees.

When I take in the aroma of a field of flowers..or feel the salty ocean breeze.


When I walk on a mountain high….or through a valley low. 

When I sit beside a river and watch her waters flow.


On a walk in nature is where I can feel…where I can see

the world that God created…the world she intended it to be.


I say she but that’s only to attach a label to a celestial entity

for the God I pray to is every gender and every color in the world…

a point not lost on me.


Many is the day…as I watch people treating one another so horribly

that I will walk in nature…and stop…to ask this entity…


Why would you…the God who created all the beauty that I see…

who created all this variety of life…this wonderful diversity

want to exclude anyone who looks or acts a little differently than me?


These all encompassing Gods (again for lack of a better name)

whenever I ask this question… their answer is the same.


“Excluding anyone whose different,” they say…”is something we’d never do!

No God, no entity worth their weight, would ever do that…

and neither should any of you.


Which always brings me to the same conclusion

which makes every God I pray to nod…

some people are looking to the wrong entity for guidance…

and worshiping the wrong God.


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