They learned long ago that a life filled with perfection…

has less to do with life itself…and more with their perception:


Every night before they fall asleep…as in their bed they lay…

she gives him a kiss good night and says, “Thank you for a perfect day.”


And every night as they lay in bed…the moment she is through…

“For such a perfect day”, he says, “I’d like to thank you too.”


This has been their habit throughout their life…they always find a way

as they kiss goodnight to thank each other for another perfect day.


What makes each day seem perfect to them…is easy to understand

It’s spending time together…enjoying life…side-by-side and hand-in-hand. 


If they’re together in the evening…happy, healthy and smiling…

to each other it’s easy for them to say, 

No matter what bumps along the way they faced,

“Thank you for a perfect day.”


And they’ve discovered as they’ve grown old together…

all these years as husband and wife…

When you string so many perfect days together…

you end up with a perfect life.


Yes, they are living proof the perfect life is out there…

the key is finding a way..

to understand the perfect life…

begins with a perfect day.

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