She smiled as she looked at the old man sitting across the room

with whom she’s shared a life for 50 years…

50 years of joy and laughter mixed with a sprinkling of tears.


Just looking at him sometimes can cause her memories to stir.

She remembers, as if it were yesterday, the moment he proposed to her…


How he got down on one knee, took her hand, looked in her eyes and said,

“There are so many places I want to go…and so many things I want to do…”

then showing her the ring said, 

“I would love to go to all these places and do all these things…with you.” 


He smiled as he looked at the old woman sitting across the room

adjusting her wedding ring.

The woman who for 50 years has been his everything.


He sat up a little taller resting his elbows on the arms of his easy chair…

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he said, “what are you doing over there?”


“Oh I was just thinking about our life together…how I’ve been such a lucky one.

Thinking about all the places we have gone and all the things that we have done.”


He moved next to her, put his arm around her then whispered, “I love you”

“but you weren’t just a lucky one…we were a lucky two.”


Then they spent a while sifting through memories as they rose…one by one by one…

remembering together some of the places they have gone 

and some of the things that they have done.


She rested her head upon his shoulder saying, 

“How lucky we have been to live a life making memories we will never forget?”

“Yes, and the beauty of it all,” he said, as he took her hand in his

“is that we’re not finished yet.


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