I wonder if we think about the ramifications when by so much hate we’re blinded…
Perhaps on a day we celebrate love…it’s good to be reminded:
When the old teacher ran across a weathered copy of her poem…he closed his eyes to reminisce…
for never has he read a poem…as beautiful as this:
It was nearing Valentine’s Day and he had asked his class to try and write a love poem…
“Because”, he said, “love is both beautiful and grand.
But he was interrupted by a student…who timidly raised her hand.
“My daddy was shot and killed by a person who didn’t like the color of his skin.”
“I’m still filled with so much hate…when you ask me to write a love poem…Where do I begin?”
He remembers the pain he saw on her face…he remembers how she cried
and how he immediately ran to her desk, took her hand, and knelt down by her side.
“It was hate that killed your father…and hate is the very thing love is trying to get rid of…
So I’m asking you to try to fight the hate you feel inside…and search for words of love.
“Look into your heart.” he said, ‘words of love are waiting there
words of love you will discover…words of love you’ll want to share.”
He returned to his desk to wait…and during the interlude…
the students completed their assignment in quiet solitude.
It wasn’t until later that night while reading their work at home..
he ran across her assignment entitled…
So This Is My Love Poem
My daddy used to tell me he loved me every morning when I woke up
and at the end of every night…
He said love is a wonderful way to start the day…and the only way to say goodnight.
So I will try my best every day to think in words of love…no matter what my fate
I’m hoping finding words of love will help me overcome my hate…
I know somewhere in my heart are the words of love I’m searching for…
and even though hate has won this battle…I’ll try hard not to let it win the war.
Perhaps if words of love, instead of bullets were falling from the sky
then love will finally defeat hate…and no more Daddies have to die.
Even though hate has left me with a scar and my dreams shall forevermore be haunted…
each day I will look for love,
that’s what my Daddy would have wanted.