The first lesson of a candle
is how it loses nothing when it shares it’s light
In fact…when used to light another candle
it then burns twice as bright.
I knew she was a candle from the day I met her…
always willing to share her light…to help in any way.
She possessed the power of a candle
the ability to brighten up a day.
The second lesson of a candle
be it day or be it night
within the beauty of its flame
is the resilience of its light.
I knew she was a candle because the more she burned down
the more light she seemed to gain…
and even when she stopped burning…
her candle light remained.
I do not know the exact day her flame burned out
by that time she had long ago moved away…
but I do know the flame she shared with me
still lights my heart today.
I knew she was a candle the day I met her…
I could see the light within her eyes…
What I didn’t know is once she shared her light with me
Her light would never die.