Have you ever wondered why we love reading bedtime stories to our children

once they pray to God their soul to keep?

It’s more than, as parents, we are tired and we’d like to get some sleep.


It’s a wonderful moment at the end of the day

when the world slows down a tad

a quiet, intimate moment between a child, Mom and Dad.


We sit together on the bed…whatever trials and tribulations of the day are freed

as we wait with baited breath…for the story we’re about to read. 


It’s like the bed is a roller coaster…and we’re all strapped in there

knowing sometimes we’ll have to hold on tight

while other times we’ll raise our arms high in the air.


We don’t know what’s in store…what pitfalls we’ll have to weather….

dragons, pirates, ogres, witches…we will face them all…together.


We enter each page hand-in-hand 

unaware as to which way our imaginations will be bending

and knowing the heroes are depending on us to help them reach a happy ending.


And when we finish the story…that might not be the end

because there is a good chance we’ll be asked to read it all again.


When their eyes finally close we gently rise, quietly turn out the light

we pull their blankets up, tuck them in and kiss their head…good night.


We stop at the door, we turn, we smile 

knowing this story, like all bedtime stories, was much more that is seems….

It’s about love and family and sharing a moment together with our child

and…teaching them to dream.

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