The wedding was completed…

in the cabin only Damien, Trista, Deborah and I remained.

when we heard the unmistakable sound of a bird

crashing into our window pane.


We ran out on the deck and were happily amazed…

to find a little warbler standing there…

She seemed unhurt, unscathed…

but she was definitely dazed. 


We knew it was best to let her be…

so we told her she was welcomed to stay…

to take all the time she needed…

to get herself ready to fly away.


We were hoping all she needed was a little time to get herself together

to take a little rest

and, sure enough, the third time we checked on her

she had flown back to her nest.


Once we knew that warbler was safe…that she had only been stunned….

my mind immediately found their way…to the words of Emily Dickinson:


If I can stop one heart from breaking

I shall not live in vain.

If I can ease one life the aching

Or cool one pain

Or help one fainting robin

Unto his nest again

I shall not live in vain.


Of course she was talking about a male robin not a female warbler

but it really doesn’t matter the gender or the name….

or, for that matter, if she was talking about animals or humans…

Emily’s message is the same.

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