On my early morning walks…I always walk alone

It’s a quiet, peaceful…walk I take all on my own.


I was lost in sad thoughts this morning about guns and war 

about a world filled with hate and animosity

when I heard what I thought were footsteps coming up behind me.


I turned to greet whoever it was and immediately stopped to stare

because not only had the footsteps stopped…but…there was no one there!


Thinking it was my imagination…I continued walking…but then

the sound of all those footsteps started up again


I wasn’t frightened, however, I felt a comfort…a peace and harmony

I was either going crazy…or some of my ancestors were walking with me.


I have a wonderful family and friends in my life that help to see me through

but I imagine my ancestors just wanted to remind me…they are with me too.


Reminding me that when I walk…even when I think I’m on own…

I’m not…for if the footsteps were any indication…I never walk alone.


And though my ancestors did not speak to me…my spirits began to soar 

and when they did I could not hear their footsteps anymore.


I walked the rest of the way home in silence…

thankful for their not-so-subtle reminder….

to remember the world is also filled with people 

who are loving…generous..and kinder.


And for reminding me that although there is hatred in the world…

what I should be thinking of

Is how I am an invaluable link in a long ancestral chain of love.


A chain of love that stretches as far back as I can postulate…

A chain of love that is stronger and will last longer…than any chain of hate.

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