On many a morning walk I’ve seen this lady up ahead…walking in the streetlight’s glow

but she’s always been too far away…for me to say hello.


Besides walking in the dark the last thing I want to do is give someone a fright!

So…for the longest time we’ve passed each other…like two ships in the night.


But the other morning…at the same time…we passed under the streetlight’s glow

and, as we shared a smile, I had the chance to say hello.


Our hospital is just up the road…she was wearing scrubs…and as we started to converse

my mind, being as sharp as it is,…I deduced she was a nurse.


Our conversation was simple…she told me to have a nice day…I said…same to you.

but as she started to walk away I added, “And thanks for all you do.”


A smile lit up her face…it was as if the sun rose early that day…

and I swear a detected a little more bounce in her walk… 

as she turned and walked away. 


I’m always filled with gratitude on my morning walks…

I like to thank the clouds, the moon the stars….the breeze…

I’m thankful for the flowers…thankful for the trees.


Over the years…as I’ve waked through the seasons…

winter…summer…spring…and fall…

I’ve had many an opportunity to stop and thank them one and all…


But this morning will always be special to me…

because as my normal gratitude I dispersed….

there in the glow of a streetlight….

I got to thank a nurse.


And what makes that even more special

is, to our mutual delight,

now we’ll be two ships that smile and say hello

as we pass each other in the night.

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