I once had this idyllic picture of children…in school…learning with their mates

or outside playing together…running, jumping, laughing…riding on roller skates.


But that idyllic picture has changed…it’s not so idyllic anymore….

as we’re faced with another school shooting…and parts of the world at war.


In the midst of war…death comes quickly…lives are lost…hearts are broken

In the instant death arrives…there’s no time to think…no words are spoken.


I wonder in the moment the bomb explodes…dropped from high above

If the last thought of those who died…were of those in life they love.


In the midst of a school shooting…living out their most horrible fears

students of all ages take out their phones…and fighting back their tears


they call their parents and loved ones…”Dad, Mom…there’s something I want to say. 

I just want you to know I love you…if I happen to die today”.


In Israel, in Gaza, in Ukraine, on our streets…wherever the fires of hatred flame

when it comes to the last words on our lips…all our messages are the same.


We want those we love to know we love them…one more time before we die…

so we repeat to them the words they said to us…

the moment we opened our eyes.


If we fear we’re going to die…and those we love and who love us can’t be near…

we want the words ‘I love you”…to be the last words from us…they hear.


Leaving us to mourn a world that callously drops bullets and bombs on us from above.

A world that allows the ruthless killing of the children we claim to love.


And to pray for the day love will prevail…and no more children will suffer the fate

of dying beneath their school desk…or while outside…wearing roller skates.

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