I find what I think most about is family, love and home

I imagine that’s why these three gifts are infused in every poem.


Sometimes on my morning walk I find it gratifying

to extend my arms out to the sides…and pretend that I am flying.


Ever since I was a child I have found this has a certain appeal….

Even now when I see my shadow in the streetlight…that’s exactly how I feel.


There are times when I have no trouble soaring independently across the sky

and other times when I need some support, some encouragement…a little help to fly.


That’s when I look to my family…because it is their love I’ve found…

that helps me find the strength to spread my wings and lift up off the ground.


I have found days I feel weak and have a fear of falling and the pain that falling brings

when my family puts me on their shoulders and shares with me their wings.


And, likewise, if a member of my family is in fear of falling….

and the pain that falling brings…

I will put them on my shoulders and share with them my wings


Now as I walk in the morningI have this overwhelming feeling of delight

whenever I see my wings extended in the shadows of the night.


Because I know even though in the shadows it looks like Im flying on my own…

with my family in the wings…I will never fly alone.

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