I have mentioned (perhaps over-mentioned) 

the mountain memories here at our cabin we all treasure…. 

There have been a wonderful mix of nature, people and places

with whom we have grown older together.


As for our favorite places…this one is a lock…

It’s at a picnic table on the Blue Ridge Parkway…

next to our favorite rock


35 years ago Deborah and I picnicked near this rock together…

then, when we blended our family, we brought our children here…

and we brought them back to picnic by this rock 

year…after year…after year.


This old rock hods some special memories for every one of us…

For years she let us climb all over her…and never made a fuss.


As we all grew a little older…as people and rocks are wont to do…

this rock, despite her increasing age, 

allowed our grandchildren to climb all over her too.


We don’t picnic at this rock like we used to…

now that our children and grandchildren are grown…

We seldom visit her together as a family…

but some of us still make it up here on our own.


Which is kind of beautiful in its own way…

I like to think whoever visits…will picnic, climb up…then sit a while and talk

hopefully sharing memories of their times upon this rock.


When Deborah and I return…whether it’s been a year or a little while

I swear that old rock remembers…and greets us with a smile.


And for a few minutes in conversation…that rock and us are totally engaged…

filling in the times we missed…ignoring how we’ve all aged.


As we pack up our picnic…we never say goodbye…

although it’s been years since Deborah and I climb

we gently place our hands on her…

say thanks old friend

we’ll be seeing you next time.


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