Perhaps the most cherished treasure our cabin in North Carolina holds…

besides the views, the birds, the sunsets, the cool crisp mountain air.. 

is how we know…once we open the door

all the memories waiting for us there.


Since Deborah’s mom and dad built this cabin back in 1981

It’s enjoyed over 40 years of memories…

over 40 years of family, friends and fun.


Memories of each season…summer, winter, spring and fall

Memories of our children and grandchildren echo off these walls.


Yes, these walls, if you listen, have a million stories to tell

Because the memories aren’t just ours…but of many other families as well.


And as we listen to all the memories this cabin in the woods has had

we’re reminded all these memories started with Deborah’s mom and dad.


Her father was a quiet man in his garden he found the peace he sought

Her mother was loquacious…which means she liked to talk a lot!


Both of them loved sitting on the porch listening to the birds

Both showed us time and time again how actions speak louder than words.


They loved it when we visited…

And every memory we made with them on these walls has left a trace…

So in whoever’s mind that memory surfaces…it leaves a smile on their face.


And though they’ve been a long time now that’s the beauty of a memory

how we can actually feel a person…whom we no longer can see.


And herein lies the beauty…the legacy of their cabin…

Not only how 40 year of memories are in this cabin blending

but how each person who enters adds another link

to a chain of memories that’s never-ending


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