Oh how she loves to journey…in her life travel is a must.

It’s one of life’s beautiful added bonuses…being born with wanderlust.


So they plan these awesome trips…and together they travel far and wide…

happily touring the country…hand-in-hand and side-by-side.


Yes, she was born with a lust for adventure…in her this need is strong

He was not born with her wanderlust…but he loves to go along.


One day she asked him…”You know how much I love to travel…

to experience all I can experience…to see all that I can see…

I don’t think I’ve ever asked you…do you love to travel as much as me….


“I look at every day as a new adventure.” He told her.  

“It has never mattered what we do or where we travel to.”


“Whether we’re in the car, climbing a mountain or standing by the sea.”

Whether on a morning walk 

listening to the birds

watching a butterfly or a bee….


Then he smiled…took her hands in his and said,

“All these years we’ve been together I guess I thought you knew…

“It has never mattered where we go…

as long as I’m with you.”

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