Each morning as I take a walk on Mother Earth not only am I excited by what I see

but I get to walk among her musicians playing their morning symphony.


After years and years of walking I’ve come to understand

how Mother Earth is the conductor and all her creations are her band. 


From the wind that whistles through her trees 

to the singing of her birds and the buzzing of her bees.


From her crickets who sing back-up while keeping out of sight

to her loud claps of thunder that sound like cymbals in the night.


From how her waves out in her ocean beat a rhythm on the shore

to the notes her raindrops make upon the rooftops 

or as they dance upon her forest floor.


From the sound her snow makes floating down in winter

to her Autumn leaves that fall…

thanks to Mother Earth’s amazing orchestra…

I have heard them all.


And every walk on Mother Earth is as different as night and day…

because I never know which of her musicians will be coming out to play.


Which is why every morning I’m excited to hear 

with what music Mother Earth will fill her air

to walk around and discover what sounds 

her orchestra has waiting for me there.

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