It stands to reason…although we like to think most days are good…

that some days will be bad.

Which means there’s a good chance someone we know

or some strangers we may meet are probably feeling sad.


Some people may be lonely…some depressed…

while other’s hearts are broken.

Some people’s pain is discernible…while other’s is hidden and unspoken.


To those whose pain is palpable…we offer the kindness of a smile…

a touch

a hug

we take the time to sit with them a while.


We want them to know…through their pain…they have someone to rely on

someone with arms that will support them…and shoulders they can cry on. 


To those out there in pain…whose pain we cannot see

(Which, to be safe, is everyone else!)

we should be as kind as we can be.


Just like an umbrella is opened to shelter us from the rain

an umbrella of kindness might not stop it…

but it can help to ease the pain.


A small umbrella of kindness can help those in pain understand:

their sadness

their loneliness

their anguish and despair…

this heavy burden they are carrying 

becomes a little lighter when it’s shared.

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