It’s odd…when you stop to think about it…

once it’s formed within our mind

how a word…any word

has no meaning until it has been read… 

until is has been heard.


Our words on paper have no meaning…no one will ever heed them

If the paper is not circulated…if there’s no-one there to read them.


Our words we’re thinking of are useless…no one will ever get near them

If they remain unspoken…if no one is there to hear them.


It is an awesome responsibility we’ve been given:

The power to spread joy or heartache with each and every word…

Once they have been written…and read…

Once they have been spoken…and heard.


I wish we understood more how the words we use and how we use them

make other people feel.

How our words can create in others everlasting joy…

or scars that never heal.


I wish we’d all try a little harder to release into the world 

words of happiness and joy…

and limit words meant to hurt another… to debase, demean…destroy.


I wish we were more adept at using words meant to be gentle, tender and kind

and allow the harmful words…before we use them

to dissolve back into the recesses of our minds.

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