How does one define family?

I don’t think any one person can…

because all our families are different

have been…since families first began.


Because each family writes their now chapters 

in a story that began long ago…

Because each family is unique 

in the way they communicate…and grow. 


Because each family writes their own music

discovers their own harmony…their own score…

a symphony of notes and melodies…

added to those that came before.


Because each family paints their own colors

each color plays a part

in blending with the other colors

in the painting of an unfinished work of art.


As you enjoy your family this Christmas

may you see them as a blessing…as a prize…

may you revel in their uniqueness…

whatever their shape or size.


Enjoy this chapter in your life

all the music and art you’re making.

May you always see your family

as beautiful and breathtaking.


May you find joy in every family member

in the way Fate has intertwined you…

and may you ignore the voices of anyone

who tries to redefine you. 

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