When I entered the world I entered as an I…and soon I was able to see
to MY great satisfaction…how the world revolved around ME.
How easy it was to make people comply…with MY unspoken intentions…
because all I had to do was cry…to get their full attention.
I suppose it has to do with how fast time unfurls…because shortly I was shown
that there are other people in the world…that I was not alone.
I imagine it wasn’t easy for ME…learning I was no longer the only gem…
and that most of the time I was awake…I had to share my time…with THEM.
I imagine since I did not understand…I probably thought it a little unfair
but that was the moment I started to grow…when I first learned how to share.
From the moment I began to share…I also began to see
MY world was made up of THEM and THEIR…not just of I…and ME.
In fact the moment I started thinking of YOU…is when I began to thrive
knowing I needed YOU…and YOU needed ME….in order to survive.
Happiness doesn’t always come easy…which is why I eventually came to see
If happiness is what I wanted…I had to stop thinking of ME.
For I will have highs and lows in MY life in whatever I say and do…
but the best way for ME to find happiness
is when I share these highs and lows…with YOU.
Yes, happiness can be found in OUR pronouns
in every second, of every minute of every hour…
It begins the moment when I and ME AND MINE
evolve to YOU and US…and OURS.