I have this friend…an older woman…

whose joy, kindness and generosity never fail to impress.

A friend who is always ready, willing and able to share her secret of happiness.


“I have been touched my many angels in my life.” She says.

“Angels…every day.

Friends and family who I know…as well as strangers I’ve met along the way.”


“Angels who enter my life and somehow understand

when I need a smile…a hug…or when I need a helping hand.”


“Angels who know when to share my happiness…

when to be there when I’m sad.

Angels who know when I need someone to listen…or how to cool me when I’m mad.”


“I have been touched my angels every day of every year

and though I do not go looking for them…somehow…they appear.” 


“Yes, I have been touched by many angels.” She smiles.

“Who have helped to see me through…

and I like to think every now and then…I’ve been an angel too.”


“I suppose that is my secret.” She smiles.

“Knowing, when touched by an angel, 

it is me who does the clutching…

And knowing, when other people need an angel…

It’s me who does the touching.”

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