A young girl and young boy knelt down before the elder…

Their heads were bowed…their faces ashen…

They came in search of the elders guidance…his wisdom…and compassion.


The girl spoke first:

“Some days I feel like a girl.” She said. “And some days I feel like a boy… 

both of these, to me, are real.”


The boy looked into the elders eyes:

“That’s exactly how I feel!”


The elder nodded at the children and said:

“Long ago our creator took an oath

to create those who could see through the eyes of a boy

those who could see through the eyes of a girl…

and a few chosen ones…who could see through the eyes of both.”


“You are called two-spirit children…because our creator knew

those of us who could only see through the eyes of one spirit…

needed those who could see through the eyes of two.”


The elder told the girl and boy to stand up then announced,

“In you we’ve found two gems.”

He smiled…placed his hands together…and then bowed down to them.


And these two children were revered the older and older they grew

for possessing the wisdom and the knowledge of not one spirit…

but the wisdom and knowledge…of two.


(This story is not fantasy…it’s origins run deep…it’s message strong…

It was the belief of the indigenous people who were on this land before us…

until we told them…it was wrong)


I think it’s time we celebrate two-spirits again…the time for hatred is done…

It’s time we realize…as a wise people once realized…

two spirits see better than one.

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