When the winds of the hurricane began to blow…accompanied by the rain…

I remember standing outside and wondering…where do birds go in a hurricane?


Once they sense the storm approaching…do they have time to get away?

When birds feel anxious and afraid…I wonder…do they pray. 


How do they find a protected place to keep their families safe and warm?

Where is it they fly…seeking shelter from the storm?


After the storm do they peek their heads out…to have a look around?

Do they make sure their nest is still standing…that their friends are safe and sound?


Are the dreams they once had still alive or have they, by the storm, been killed?

Will they decide to fly away…find a new home…or stay here and rebuild?


Once saddened by the devastation…for those birds who lost everything…

will this forever influence who they are and the songs they choose to sing? 


When the winds finally stopped blowing…and the sun replaced the rain…

I thought: there’s so much we have in common…

with the birds 

in a hurricane.

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