Two unexpected moments…the first…a deer…without even a calling card

stopped by for a visit at the cabin…just showed up in our yard.


She was quiet, calm…a bit reserved…she didn’t make a fuss.

We happened to notice her…around the same time she was noticing us.


We stared at one another for a moment…we didn’t want her to be alarmed.

We tried to tell her telepathically that we would never do her harm.


It was early in the morning…the sun had just lit up the day…

when she graced us with her presence for a moment…then went on her way.


This would normally be a special moment…but to us it was so much more 

in 35 years coming to the cabin we’ve never seen a deer in our yard before.


A second unexpected moment…one that’s also hard to believe

when a ladybug landed on my shoulder…and decided not to leave.


She crawled all around my shirt…inspecting every inch along the way

for some reason unknown to us…she seemed content to stay.


When it was time for us to go I let her crawl upon my finger and set her on a leaf.

then I thought of the deer and the ladybug…and how our time together was brief.


How we were lucky to have these moments…that will in all likelihood not occur again…

for there’s a good chance we will never see this deer or ladybug again.


But rather than being sad at this thought…we felt excited and enthralled

to have been blessed to have been visited by this deer and lady bug at all.

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