Living in Florida where flowers throughout the year routinely grow
I was intrigued by a picture from up north…
someone painted flowers on the snow.
It was there…I thought…in the snow on that cold crisp wintery day
someone decided, with a smile on their face, to put their optimism on display.
Like the bird who rises in the darkness…up before everyone
to serenade the morning in anticipation of the sun
Like the lotus flower who rises from its muddy home without a single stain…
who closes up each night only to bloom each morning again.
Like the sunflower who no matter where he starts as the day’s begun
always finds a way to turn his face into the sun.
We are all creatures of nature created, I believe, with optimism in our heart
and I love to see the moments when optimism plays a part…
Like the birds that sing in darkness…like how different flowers grow…
like when…in the dead of winter…someone paints flowers on the snow.