In the wee hours of the morning…from a place where dreams abound

while in the midst of a peaceful slumber I was awakened by a sound.


Realizing I was wide awake…and more sleep would have to wait…

I decided to discover the source of the sound…or, at least, investigate.


As I stepped out my front door I was greeted by an early morning breeze

and when I gazed up at the sky I saw stars twinkling through the trees.


The sound had disappeared in fact there was no sound anywhere…

It was one of those perfect moments where only silence filled the air.


The waning moon was attempting to bring a little brightness to the night

as the shifting clouds did their best to keep the picture black and white.


I stood absorbing the silence…captivated by the moment…mesmerized by the view

trying to savor every moment of the moment before bidding this moment adieu.


I am not a religious man…but even I recognized the sign…

that I was in the midst of something spiritual…

something sacred…

something esoteric…and divine.


Perhaps the creators made the sound to wake me up…to open my eyes

to encourage me to enjoy the birth of Easter morning before they asks the sun to rise.


And that is exactly what I did…I never went back to bed…

No…inspired by the morning I wrote this poem instead…


As a way of wishing you all a happy Easter…

as well as a peaceful and glorious day 

Oh…and tomorrow 

if the creator makes a sound to wake you up..

I suggest…you humbly obey.

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Spinoza's picture

enjoyed this


A moment of peace in the morning breeze with twinkling stars above the trees.


I enjoyed this.

S74rw4rd123d's picture

I applaud this poem.  Back in

I applaud this poem.  Back in July of 1974, on a Friday night (I was not, then, smart enough to make note of the date), I had a similar experience.  I have never forgotten that event and what transpired after that.

Starwardized [fka Starward]