On a moonless night when you look up at the sky…

and stars infuse your view…

have you ever wondered if there is someone on a distant star

who is looking up at you?


I have!


And I wonder if their star has butterflies and bees?

Do they have clouds and birds and rainbows…

flowers, lakes and trees?


As I wonder about their star

and what it’d be like to see beyond its shine…

I also wonder if they’re wondering

the same things about mine.


And do they ever wonder, like me,

if our stars got together…how well would we blend?

Do they ever wonder if it’s possible…for our two stars

to be friends?


Yes, how often on a moonless night I’ve wondered

if there are people like me on distance stars….

and though I might never know the answer…

I like to wonder that there are.

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