Even though there is no conversation…they lack the ability to talk…

You see the world a little differently…when you take a dog out for a walk.


Walking a dog…your different perspectives of life are juxtaposed…

Your eyes and ears guide where you’re going…a dog follows her nose.


The two of you try to blend your worlds together…you point out the beauty everywhere…and when she pauses and lifts her nose…you stop to smell the air.


You point out the blue sky, the sunrise, the clouds reflecting on the water…all the different trees…she helps you discover hidden flowers and aromas on the breeze.


You share an enjoyment…on your walks…for the animals who grace them…

You admire their beauty and their wonder while she would like to chase them.


You find pleasure in the lily pads, the way the sun lights up the grasses, in the mist of a morning fog…it seems life moveS a little slower when you’re out walking with a dog.


And you don’t mind slowing down, pausing…even stopping for a spell…

for, in nature, there are so many miracles to see…and wonders to be smelled.


Walking with a dog…in the grass, under every bush…around every corner…you discover a surprise…you begin to understand the significance in seeing the world through a different set of eyes…


And you make this happy realization…

before your walk is through…

that…all the time you thought you were walking her…

she…was walking you.

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In my opinion, the poem's

In my opinion, the poem's subject matters makes this poem the centerpiece of your work.
