It is a family tradition…age-old and time-worn…

the family comes together after a bay has been born.


In a solemn moment with the family gathered ‘round to see…

The baby is passed from the mother to the father…

to the eldest member of the family.


“I offer some advice.” The elder one says

as he or she cradles the baby on his or her knee.

“Not everything you see in life will be beautiful…

but there will be beauty in everything you see.”


“One day.” The elder smiles.

“You will understand these words I say…

how not every day will be wonderful…

but there will be wonder in every day.”


“It is our hope as a family that you come to realize…

before your time is done.

how even though not everyone you meet will be kind…

there is kindness in everyone.”


“Happiness can be elusive..

That’s how our creators designed it…

but happiness is also patient…

waiting for someone like you to find it.”


Next the baby is passed around from aunts, to uncles

to nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers…

until making his or her way back

to the father and the mother.


Each family member quietly departs 

and as they set foot out the door…

they smile…remembering words they’ve heard a hundred times before.


Words they’ve come to know by heart…

for often in their minds…they will replay them…

so they’ll be ready when they are the eldest…

and it comes their turn to say them.

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