When someone we love dies…it’s as if in our life there’s been a theft

like they’ve been stolen from us…and memories are all we have left.


Initially our feelings clash when we realize what’s at stake…

We’re happy for the memories we’ve made…

Sad for the ones we’ll never make.


At times it seems unbearable…other times a little scary

knowing that as long as we are living…this is a burden we will carry.


Then over time we come to understand…each day a little more

how sadness does not last forever…and what our memories are for.


We begin to remember those we lost with joy…and though their presence we still lack…

We see the memories we have as one small way

for a moment…

to bring them back.


And the heavy burden seems a little lighter…as each memory formulates…

because we realize we’re filled with memories…and memories carry no weight.


Making it easier to understand…why our memories are made

How our loved one may have vanished from our life

but their memories will never fade.

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