From the time I first gazed upon them I have loved the paintings of Monet…

love the impression of his subjects…love his colors…love the way they interplay.


I’ve also loved the paintings of da Vinci…though a completely different style…

I love the details of his Mona Lisa…love her colors…love her smile.


I think memory is a lot like these paintings for when a moment is first unveiled…

It is brushed upon our hearts and minds…like a da Vinci…in detail.


But over time our memories seems to blend together…a little everyday

until, when we grow a little older…we tend to remember in Monet.


When our family comes together and we bring up memories of yesterday…

Invariably we all remember them…in a slightly different way.


Facts we knew distinctly when first experienced…facts we remember as sublime

tend…inside our memories…to blend together over time.


I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked…that this is the way our memories replay…

why da Vinci memories tend to fade into memories like Monet


Perhaps when we were created this is how our memories were cast…

and we are meant to find small details in our impressions of the past.


Perhaps it’s precisely those details that help shape our impressions…eventually…

for that is the essence of art


the beauty of memory.

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