It hasn’t been all bad…this quarantine we’ve been on

For instance I can’t believe some of the wonders I have seen 

and the places I have gone.


No, I haven’t actually been anywhere, of course, that would be wrong…

but luckily I have the shoulders of authors who let me ride along….


Yesterday wearing a hat and pipe and my requisite wisdom and grace

I was with Dr. Watson in England helping Sherlock solve a case.


Today I’m riding a noble steed…and it’s anybody’s guess…

Will I be slaying a dragon…

guarding a king…

or saving a damsel in distress?


Tomorrow I may wrest victory from the edges of my doom

I may storm a castle gate…or open a Pharaoh’s tomb.


Or I could be the captain of a submarine…

20,000 leagues under the sea

I could be a prince, a king, a wizard…

I can only imagine the hero I might be…


I might climb a beanstalk…or finally learn how to cook

for there are no limits to what I may discover…

within the pages of a book.


So when I can’t go anywhere…but my urge to travel is strong…

thank goodness there are authors who let me ride along…


Thank goodness there are authors who in this time of gloom…

will take me any place I want to go…from the comfort of my room.

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Or reading Mary Shelley's

Or reading Mary Shelley's novel of a plague that can /

(within her book's world) kill all people . . .  down to The Last Man.
