The heart contains four chambers…each one plays a part

but her mom didn’t call them chambers to her they were spaces in the heart.


She had her own philosophy, her own view…her own way

“I am not a doctor…or a scientist…more of a romantic she would say”.


She believed we were born with spaces in our hearts, spaces that never end

These spaces are easily filled she would say with the love of family and friends..


When her daughter asked what about our love for animals, a sunset, or the morning dew

“Oh yes!”, “her mom would answer there’s a space for them there too”.


“Your heart is always looking for love.” she’d smile…”to create or to restore it

and have no fear once it’s discovered…your heart has a place to store it.”


When she was dying she told her daughter 

“It’s just a new adventure I’m about to start.”

“But mom”, her daughter asked, “what will happen to your space within my heart”.


“Not to worry”, her mom replied, “for in your thoughts I will always be

and that space will now be filled with memories of me.”


At her funeral people spoke fondly of her mother

story after story they related…

about her laughter…about the love she shared

and about the life she had created.


They spoke of her kindness, of her smile

how they’d never seen her mad…

To a person they all spoke of what a big heart she had.


“I can tell you why Mom’s heart was so big”

her daughter said when it came her turn to speak

Then she paused to smile, took a breath

as a tear ran down her cheek.


“It was filled with the love of her family and friends.”

she said as she looked out at all the faces…

“You see here heart not only had four chambers


It had an endless supply of spaces.”

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