In the circle of life, if you’re lucky…ripples of love will extend…

forming an ever increasing circle of its own…one even death cannot end:



Before he met her what he knew of love…every understanding he ever had

he gained inside his family…watching his mom and dad.


Thus before he met her he was ready to love…and the older and older he grew

he was confident he would find someone…someone to love…like they do.


Then he met her..and he began to draw on everything about love he once knew

and he whispered when held her…“No one will ever love you like I do.”


They raised a family and what their children learned of love…every understanding they ever had

they gained inside their family…by watching their mom and dad.


And once on their own they were ready to love…for the older and older they grew

they knew they would find someone to love…like their mother and father do.


Then they met their someone and they began to draw on everything about love they once knew

and they whispered as they held them…“No one will ever love you like I do.”


And when one life was about to end

one hand into the other hand slid…

and they whispered softly to each other


“No one ever loved me like you did.”

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