Sally came running in the door…”Grandma I have a secret!” She yelled.

It’s a really, really good secret…but I promised not to tell.”


“I want to keep my promise but you don’t know how hard it’s been.”

“Trying not to tell anyone…trying to keep this secret in.”


Sally looked up at her Grandma…her wide eyes, big and blue…

“Grandma can you help me?  Grandma tell me what to do?”


Grandma took Sally out to her back yard saying…“There’s something I want you to see.

They sat down under a very large oak… “This is my secret tree.”


“Grandma…” Sally laughed …”This is not a secret tree!

Everybody knows about it…everyone can see…”


Grandma put a finger to her lips…and gently shook her head

“The tree is not the secret, silly…it’s what it holds.” she said.


Ever since I was a little girl…and a secret was given to me

I’d hurry home and sit right here…underneath this very tree.”


“And when I was sure I was alone…that secret I’d retrieve

then I would let that secret out and share it with the leaves.


And so this tree is filled with secrets…every secret I ever brought

secrets she will never tell…and some I’m sure I’ve long forgot….


With that Grandma stood up and walked away…happy as can be

leaving Sally all alone in the shade of her secret tree.


On her way to the house Grandma turned around and smiled…

She couldn’t be sure but she believes

Sally was whispering to the tree


sharing her secret with the leaves.

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Very much love this concept. 

How very creative, you could make an actual story out of this if you wanted to, or havent already. Very well put and captured my attention in the very beginning. Keep it up. :)

"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo