It’s funny what we remember about people…

the little things that stick inside our head…

today I am remembering

something she always said. 


You knew there was something special about her

from the moment she would meet you…

There was this wonderful kind of elegance

in the way that she would greet you


And every time thereafter

she would greet you the same way…

She’d make you feel unique…exceptional

when ‘Hello, my darling’…she would say


‘Hello, my darling’ 

it was a simple message…

genuine and clear 

‘Hello, my darling’ 

three little words 

that became music to our ears.


Because when she said ‘Hello, my darling’

we knew she meant every word she said

which is why ‘Hello, my darling’

still echoes inside our heads…


She’s not hear to greet us anymore

to help us start our day

but one of the gifts of memory

is how we hear ‘Hello, my darling’ anyway…


‘Hello, my darling’ will always bring a smile to our faces

and tears into our eyes…

What we wouldn’t give for one more ‘Hello, my darling’


now that she’s said her last goodbye.

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