Sometimes I wonder about nature’s mysteries… 

how there is so much I can’t explain?

Like why the sand dunes can be heard to sing

or how flowers anticipate the rain.


Like how the sun rises to greet the day

and how at night it bids adieu.

Like how there is a rhythm to the waves

or how the sky epitomizes blue. 


Like how a stream can talk to you.

Like how dew drops nestle in the grasses.

Like how clouds can change right before our eyes 

or how leaves shiver as a cool breeze passes.


Like how life can flourish in the most unlikely places.

Like how the ocean can be so wide.

Like the boisterous sound of crows in flight

or the silence of a pelican’s glide.


Like the sheer force of thunder and lightning

as they announce a summer squall.

Like how a rainbow stretches across the sky.

Like the the wonder of a waterfall…


But then again when I stop to think about it 

I don’t really want to know

what makes the flowers smile

what makes the cool winds blow


because as I look around me…

as out on nature my eyes gaze

I don’t want to know her secrets….


I prefer to be amazed.

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Science tries to explain, but you still have to watch a rose grow on occasion and just look at it.