They were sitting in the afternoon sun …in a field of flowers atop a little rise…

When the daughter asked a question which took her mother by surprise.


“Are we rich or poor?” The daughter asked…

”Amanda at school…she swore…

that since I don’t wear the nicest clothes…our family must be poor.”


“The answer’s not that easy.” Mom said…

“That settles it the daughter cried…we’re poor…I guess I kind of knew it…

“Rich or poor is not black and white.” Mom smiled

“It depends on how you view it.”


“Rich isn’t always about money…rich can also be a feeling

If we had all the money in the world would these flowers be more appealing?”


“Would the birds sound any different if we wore the finest clothes?

Would those clouds be any whiter?

Would the breeze smell any sweeter?

Would the sun shine any brighter?”


“I don’t need money to love a sunset…

To marvel at the sky so blue

And no amount of money in the world can change how I love you…”


“Money can bring you many things in life.” Mom said

as she stared deep into her daughter’s eyes… 

but there are many more important things

that money cannot buy.”


The next morning her daughter greeted the flowers

smiled at the sun and whispered good morning to the sea…

“Mom. I can’t wait to tell Amanda,” she said at breakfast…


“I’m already as rich as I can be.”

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