Have you ever watched whales sleep? What a wonderful adaptation.

They float effortlessly in the water… a kind of suspended animation.


It seems we’re similar in a myriad of ways

with our companions of the deep.

not the least of these…

is the way in which we sleep


We are both beautiful in sleep…

A time when our worries and troubles cease.

We become united in our serenity

our silence, our solitude, our peace.


And sleep is where our dreams are made…

be they simple…or extreme.

I wonder while they’re suspended in sleep…

of what do whales dream?


Do they dream of leaving the ocean?

Do they dream of touching the stars?

Would we be surprised if they could tell us…

how their dreams are similar to ours.?


And once again we understand…we don’t have to look very far

To see how like the animals we humans truly are.


Yes…we are born, we eat, we breathe…

we love, we die…we weep.

All things we realize we share…


while watching whales sleep.

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