Autumn Fog On A Country Road
The center line moves toward me sinuously
Flowing yellow veering right then left up then down
gently easily like a careless curl of a long ribbon on a smiling wind.
In constant motion intimate at my side the line
Rushs from nowhere; exits past me
Constant changing compelling
I am held in place
My mind detached removed.
I wander the grey that surrounds me
Light diffused textures my sight with subtle variation
Pastels of green and red and yellow
Smudges quickly rush to resolution
Clear impressions that instantly blur
and leave the middle focus
Replaced by other soft and shapeless images
That crystalize in broken ranks and endless variation.
Restrained gently held in thrall.
Suddenly flash and sharp-edged rush surround me.
Instantly too-familiar forms again demand my favour.
With regret my world's again complete
No more deliciously mist's captive