My Grandmother's Private Closet

My grandmother has always been a very reserved and mysterious woman, with a big house full of locked doors and a big keychain that held all the answers. While growing up there was a particular one that filled us, me and my sisters, with curiosity; upstairs, in the part of the house we were not allowed in, there was an old, heavy-looking door made out of wood and a doorknob that seemed to be made out of gold, whenever we visited the house one of us sneaked upstairs and tried to open it hoping that, for once, my grandmother had forgotten to lock the door. My grandmother might be many things but forgetful is not one of them, not even once she left the door opened, we even considered that the room might not had a use at all, that it was empty and for that it was eternally locked. When we asked our mother what could possibly be in that room and why would our grandmother not allowed us in and she replied that my grandmother didn't like to get rid of things and that the room was full of old books, toys and even clothes that belonged to my grandfather when he was alive and from herself and her brothers when they were younger, she also explained we were not allowed in because it was no place for children. Honestly her answer only made us to want to get inside even more. After many failed attempts of getting to see the inside of what my grandmother called 'her private closet', one day out of the blue, she decided that she wanted to show it to us. We were shocked and we didn't dread to say a word, we were scared that if we said the wrong words she would change her mind and lose our opportunity so we kept quiet and followed her. When we got to the door she pulled the set of keys out of her pocket, searched for the one she needed, inserted it into the doorknob and gave it a turn to finally open the door. When we got to see the inside, we were more surprised that we thought, it was no closet, it was a room the size of a bedroom with piles of books, toys and a suitcase filled with old clothes. My grandmother didn't say much but I could see the smile in her face, maybe that day she only opened a door, but for her and for us she opened a bit of her heart, a treasured secret she had kept for years and now she shares with us.

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